Letter from the CEO
Terminological Inexactitude (Lying)
By Robert Pritchett
Due to the way we saw "Joe the Plumber" treated, the references relating to the background and connections relating to the current President Elect that were here have been removed to avoid the same treatment under this next regime.
The Title of Liberty (song)
Principles over Party & Politics (Ezra Taft Benson)
This is my daughter, the face of the next generation. (song on YouTube)
Everything You Hold Sacred (video)
A few months ago, I wrote "Global Warming, The Cult of
Gaia and "Edidence".
It has more relevance now than it ever did, after listening
to a Keynote speech by Nancy Turner at the Sustainable Living Fair dinner Sept.
19, 2008 in her efforts (knowingly or unknowingly) to continue the "Socialization
of America".
What is really interesting is that we had a virtual
news blackout the previous Wednesday on the 221st celebration of the
US Constitution.
As Nancy was speaking, I had a real urge to stand up and state the reason she was
having such a hard time with her efforts in her Rocky Mountain community was that this is
still the land of the free and home of the brave and some of us still love our
liberty. Sadly, I didn't speak up about it then. I do now.
With the recent economic implosion and attempts to recover
from natural disasters (Hurricane Ike, etc.) as we rapidly descend into the next Depression, we are being told by
certain individuals that we are already "more communist than China" - as we see financial systems collapse (bank after bank, frozen assets, no
credit) and politicos (US Congress) coming to the rescue to take them over
– as any "good" communist country would do to nationalize
institutions (Bailout Bills).
("We are from the government and we are here to help you".) Look, the US
Federal Government is broke. It cannot "rescue" us.
Winston Churchill once called a lie a "terminological
inexactitude". It would seem that not only the New World/International
Economic Order is falling like a house of cards, but our own US Government is on the brink of
collapse as it puts taxpayers in the unenviable position of multi-trillion-dollar
debts with no way or means to pay off those debts.
I think we need to be a lot more concerned about certain
things (restoring Constitutional integrity)
and economic viability, instead of worrying about whether or not the world will
get warmer because we live on it. After all, the communist countries and other enemies of freedom have
been financing our debt load with petrodollars and a communistic wild animal driven into a
corner, has no choice based on its mental attitude, but fight to escape. So
expect blood in the streets and not-so-covert invasion of our US borders (for
instance, the para-military "Mexican Mafia" - infiltration through nationwide gang activities) in the not too distant future.
If you didn't know already, we are at war now and have been for a long
time. It will get worse. Is that scary? This is not a Halloween scenario. It is
more terrible than you can possibly imagine. It will take on Biblical Last Days
So why is this thread in macCompanion magazine? We may not have Macs or any other
technologies soon, if society continues its downward spiral into the dark pit
of despair and oblivion. Technology will not rescue us from this morass. We
will have to take back this country ourselves – with some divine
intervention. It may require revolution.
Meanwhile expect more drum-beating from the likes of Adam
Kokesh - and discussions by Ron Paul.
We have to live within our means and make darn sure our
"Terminological Inexactitude" (lies) gullibility meters are turned up
full blast.
"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."
Thomas Jefferson 1802
More Reading and Plain Talk:
"Right wing or left wing, they are still attached to the same old buzzard."
Cleon Skousen Quotes - I learned at the feet of this man about the Constitution. One thing that really stood out, was that if you went far enough right or left politically, you ran into the same people. I am personally of no party. When it comes to my liberty, they are all suspect.
The Devil's 7-prong Fork - Sticking it to the Americans.
Cultural Marxism & Corporate Fascism Merge to Destroy Free-Enterprise Capitalism
Community Counts - or does it?
RealScoop - Rates the believability of statements made by celebrities, athletes and politicians. The BELIEVABILITY METER™ utilizes the world's leading voice analysis technology to analyze over 100 vocal elements.
The latest Trilateral Commission membership list - Part of the "string-pulling" team for the new world economic order.
American Deception - Way cool site on the long-term plans to control the world.
Infowars - The war for your mind.
What else is wrong with the US? (There are a lot of things right, by the way... American Citizens are the best people on the planet, when it comes to caring for others.)
We have 5 million other illegal aliens to thank for helping us get into the mortgage mess. Why isn't this covered on frontpage news?
Why the Bailout (Spending) Bill Passed - Threat of Martial Law across America.
Truth Rising - On 9/11. I was personally forewarned to "come home" from Norwalk, CT prior to 9/11. Right after 9/11 happened, I lost my job. The person who got the message to me has since been eliminated. She said if she was found out, she would be killed. Apparently she was found out. She can no longer be located. This is my personal story. It happened to me. This is not a myth.
Child Exploitation - Liberal brainwashing of children.
Kookie Liberals - Making fun of left wing kooks, democrats and liberals as often as humanly possible.
FEMA's Coffins - Why are there coffins stacked up by the millions by FEMA?
Aaron Russo's Interview
"Our Immediate Responsibility" Ezra Taft Benson 1966
Don't just "Stand up, America", Wake up!
Now help us live within our means and bail us out of debt at macCompanion magazine as we struggle to
make ends meet by donating to the cause of Macdom. Click on the PayPal link on
our website and give until it hurts. Otherwise, we will go under too.
Don't let "Terminological Inexactitude" take over
your Mac-based life!
Let's not just survive, let's thrive!
Robert Pritchett
I would like to let you know about a great website dedicated to upholding Liberty. I encourage you to sign up for their informative Latterday Saint Conservative Newsletter.
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From knowledge comes strength, and from strength comes the power to preserve freedom both at home and abroad…knowledge is strength to a free people. [Ezra Taft Benson]
We believe that rights come from God, and that governments were instituted of God for the benefit of man, in order to protect those rights. We believe the U.S.
Constitution is a heavenly banner, inspired of God. To preserve liberty we must have a proper understanding of the principles of freedom, god-given rights and the proper role of government.