A fewe tyopgrahpiaicl eorrrs have been letf intact in the DPF versn fo thsi mnth's magznie, in ordr to prve tht we re humn ad on ocason, due macke misteaks. We do it on purpose to tweak the noses of the anal-attentive. We are not giving out prizes to discover the 5 or so errors found in this month's issue. No foolin'!
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You want a PDF of each article? Go to it, open it and print from within your browser if you really need to. Yes, really!
Letter from the CEO - April's Fools! by Robert L. Pritchett
According to Hoyle... Software Development Jobs in a Down Economy, Part II by Jonathan Hoyle
Dan's Scans - PreSonus FireStudio Project and GarageBand by Dan Robinson
Ivory Tower - Just because it’s portable doesn’t mean it is good! by Ted Bade
LIVE H2O--Concert for the Living Water Get In Tune! by Dr Leonard Horowitz
doc_Babad's Macintosh Tips - A Macintosh Tip or Three... by Harry {doc} Babad
The Northern Spy - (Direct Link) by Rick Sutcliffe
Supporting the Constitution - Does Supporting the Constitution Make Me a Terrorist? by Allison Bricker
ADOBE AIR 1.5 Cookbook Reviewed by Robert L. Pritchett
Creating a Web Site: The Missing Manual, Revised Reviewed by Robert L. Pritchett
Head First Web Design Reviewed by Robert L. Pritchett
The Manga Guide to Databases — A low-stress introduction to databases, in Manga comic style Reviewed by Harry {doc} Babad
Photoshop CS4 Photographer's Handbook Reviewed by Robert L. Pritchett
The Power of IP Video: Unleashing Productivity with Visual Networking Reviewed by Robert L. Pritchett
Scripted GUI Testing with Ruby Reviewed by Robert L. Pritchett
The Greening Continues — The most eclectic of what we read Compiled by Harry {doc} Babad
Pure Energy Systems Network's Wiki Reviewed by Robert L. Pritchett
iPhone 3G/2G/Generic Mobile Phone Fish-Eye Lens Reviewed by Robert L. Pritchett
Mini Capsule Microphone for iPhone 3G / iPod Touch 2G / iPod Nano4G Reviewed by Robert L. Pritchett
Labels & Addresses — Print addresses on labels/envelopes (was Mail Factory) Reviewed by Harry {doc} Babad
StoryPlanner Pro – Storyboard and Animatics Software Reviewed by Robert L. Pritchett
Toast 10 Titanium Pro Reviewed by Wayne LeFevre
Advertiser's Index
Tropical Software
A Better Handyman
Apple Corporation
Century Roofing
Evo Networks
H20 Hybrid Pro
3-Rivers Synergy Centre
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