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Secrets of Podcasting: Audio Blogging for the Masses, 2nd Edition

reviewed by Chris Marshall, November 2006

Peachpit Press

Released: May 30, 2006

$24.99 USD, $33.99 CND, £17.99 GBP, 26,99€ Euro

ISBN: 0321438434

Audience. Mac and Windows users with an interest in understanding podcasting or getting involved in podcasting.

Strengths: Well laid out, communicates extremely well. In depth knowledge of the subject.

Weaknesses: Nothing of any significance.


What they say:

Whether you want to create your own podcasts or just would like to locate and then listen to audio programs on your portable player, this is the book for you. In Secrets of Podcasting, Second Edition, author Bart G. Farkas provides real-world guidance and advice on how to:

  • Download and enjoy podcasts with any MP3 player
  • Create a script and set the structure and flow of your audio or video podcast
  • Choose the right equipment-including the right microphone, headphones, and even preamp
  • Use a digital recording device instead of your PC or Mac
  • Pick audio editing and recording software
  • Legally play music in your podcast or vodcast
  • Distribute your podcast or vodcast

In addition, Bart includes tutorials on creating podcasts on Windows machines and on Macs. He also offers dozens of recommendations for software to use for finding and subscribing to podcasts.

What I say:

At 312 pages, this is an incredibly easy to read book, that covers all the important aspects of podcasting with a simplicity and clarity that is more than welcome.

Initially I was more than a little skeptical on two counts:

-        how could a subject that is still so new warrant a second edition already?, and

-        what on earth could be so “secret”?

If I am honest, I still think that the use of the word “secret” is totally wrong! The whole area of podcasting, it can be argued, is about taking the secrecy out of broadcasting and opening up the world for us all! This book is certainly about making the mechanics and techniques of podcasting open to all of us, so why the word “secrecy”?

As for it being a second edition, well, that is easier to understand. This book is a very clever continuation of a journey that started only a short while ago, and without doubt has a tremendous way to go. This book helps you catch up with the pace, and maintains a steady pace throughout, exceptionally well.

A final observation before getting into the details of the book – Farkas does an excellent job of demonstrating just how much better a Mac is over a Windows PC for this type of activity. It isn’t done intentionally, but every comparison; every range of options and every screen shot just demonstrates the superiority of the Mac.

Based on five well structured, somewhat long but easy to read chapters, the book has something for everyone who has heard of, listened to, or created a podcast.

  1. Podcasting Basics
  2. Jumping In
  3. Creating a Podcast
  4. Video Podcasting
  5. Podcast Distribution.

Most of us are recipients of podcasts, so the background and history will probably fill in some gaps for everybody, and even the seasoned podcasters will probably enjoy a look back at the history they have helped to create. I certainly think some of them could do with reading this and fine-tuning their current ‘casts.

I found the book an intriguing mix of a pleasant story and a friendly instruction manual. I was surprised to learn about the podcasting initiative at Duke University and was really impressed. I was immensely grateful for the way it gently took me through the basics of RSS programming in such a way that I actually felt stupid for not having understood it before, and I also came away with a pretty interesting wish list of new gadgets and applications to try!

The areas that I found really clear and useful? The tutorial sections. Absolutely excellent!

Owning a Mac and enjoying gadgets, I have often thought that I “should” be doing a podcast. A number of things have held me back,\; lack of subject matter and lack of knowledge on how to create one. Now I just need to find subject matter. Part of my dilemma is that I contribute via interviews on a number of existing podcasts, and I am more than aware of the saturation that is taking place in the Mac ‘cast land, so I will need to keep thinking of a subject. In the meantime, I am going to get hold of some of the equipment that caught my eye, and try and improve the quality of my current recordings for the existing podcasts, and maybe try out a few ‘casts for friends and family J

I have little doubt that we will shortly be seeing the third edition – I hope so.

In Summary

A great book to read, keep on the shelf and dip into from time to time for the stuff that you will invariably want to know about at a later stage as you get more and more into podcasting. I particularly liked the ability to register the book on their web site and receive additional information.

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